Category: Uncategorized

  • Week 8

    Hello, and welcome back to my blog. I apologize about the week long hiatus, I was busy with other things. As always I try to play For Honor at least once a week for these blog posts, which I did. My friend and I played sometime last week and it was Tiandi’s Hero Fest. Tiandi…

  • Week 6

    Hello, everyone, and welcome back to my blog. This week I am going to switch some things up and talk about a new game my friend and I have recently started playing. The game in question is Predator: Hunting Grounds. This game has been on Playstation and PC for a while now but it has…

  • Week 5

    Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog. Going off my last blog, my friend and I have still been playing For Honor and we’ve gotten pretty good at the characters we bought skins for. If I had to guess I would put us in the top 30% of players. The event has been a…

  • Week 3 and 4

    Hello, I apologize for missing a week of blogging but life always happens right? Anyways to update my previous posts: Now I know what your thinking, “Wow, he no-lifed the game” and to that I say, no, I did not. The Miles Morales game is superior by far but it is much, much, smaller. The…

  • Week 2

    Hello Everyone, welcome to week two of my blog posts. Going off of my last blog post, I continued to play Spiderman and I am 37% of the through the game. Spiderman is still really fun. On another note I will start updating with For Honor content. My friend and I play games regularly and…

  • Week 1

    Hello everyone, this week I will be talking about the Spiderman game for the PS4. I recently purchased this game and I have been having fun ever since. The combat system appeals to me and I love the traversal system. Spiderman is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. I will update next week…

  • First Blog

    Hello Everyone, this is a test blog. If you are seeing this, have a nice day.

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!